These web pages are a slightly updated revival of the original KOJAC web pages, that don’t exist anymore on the web site of the Applied Optics Group of IMT (formerly at the University of Neuchâtel, now at EPFL).

Optics Tutorials


Aiming to present Optics in an interactive way, IMT has developed a set of programs and libraries for the creation of optical tutorials in Java. This framework completes the tutorials created by Dr. P. Blattner in TCL, but does not require the installation of any plugin. Moreover, tutorials can easily be developed or extended.

The tutorials themselves were developed by Olivier Scherler and Olivier Ripoll, based on ideas from Dr. P. Blattner, Prof. H. P. Herzig, Prof. R. Dändliker and Olivier Ripoll.

Mac users! Netscape 4 for Macintosh does not have a virtual machine capable of playing these tutorials. Please download a newer Java plugin, or use a newer browser: Internet Explorer, Netscape 6, Mozilla.

TCL Tutorials

The older tutorials can still be found here. They need the installation of a TCL plugin (untested). (installation process detailed here)

You will find there:

More About KOJAC

The Java tutorials have been realised within the framework of KOJAC, a set of Java Classes for Optical Applets. These classes are distributed under the General Public License, and everyone is encouraged to extend them. KOJAC is at present at version 1.0, but development will go on based on training periods of student in our group. KOJAC itself is a pedagogical tool, not only for the user of the applet, but also for the programmer learning optics and Java through it.

More information about KOJAC is presented at its homepage.

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